

Agenda of DKG Estonia State Conference


The Annual Conference of DKG Estonia State Organisation

Venue: Tallinn Co-educational School, Pärnu mnt 71, Tallinn. Assembly hall.

Time: 9 March 2013


10.00  -  Registration, coffee
Part I: Plenary session
10.30. - Opening of the conference. President Margarita Hanschmidt
10.45. – Ms Beverly Helms, President of International DKG Society
11.15. – Ms Marika Heimbach, Europe Regional Director

11.30. – Ms Viire Sepp. Very talented students

12.00. – Ms Tiiu Puik. Students with special needs  

12.30. – Ms Marie Maarend. Problem Students

13.00.- 13.50.  Lunch at school

14.00. –  Ms Aili Maar. Internet addicts.

14.30.- Ms. Muriel O’Tuel. Connecting with students one heart at a time.

Part II: DKG Estonia State meeting
15.20. DKG Estonia President's and chairs’ of the committees reports
15.30. DKG Estonia treasurer's report
15.45. Election of the new State President, board and chairs of the committees
16.00. Installation of Gamma Chapter
16.45. Happy Birthday! DKG Estonia 5!